1968 colt sp1 serial numbers
1968 colt sp1 serial numbers

Note: All items marked with a single asterisk (*) are taken from. If any information presented here is found to be incorrect or you have additional information to contribute, please contact me via E-Mail ( ) and I will update and re-issue the list. It should be noted that it is a felony to possess a Post-Ban (newly assembled after Sept 13, 1994) assault weapon. ALL SERIAL NUMBERS SHOULD BE VERIFIED FROM THE MANUFACTURER PRIOR TO ANY PURCHASE OR ASSEMBLY. It is a compilation of both personal information and information submitted from others from the Internet. This is not intended to be used in any way except for personal entertainment.

1968 colt sp1 serial numbers 1968 colt sp1 serial numbers

I have compiled this list for the purposes of sharing information only. Disclaimer: This list is correct to the best of my knowledge, however, I accept absolutely no responsibility for the accuracy of this information or for the consequences and/or damages occurring from any inaccuracies.

1968 colt sp1 serial numbers